Employee Benefits
Great plans. Outstanding service.
We specialize in protecting your company's greatest assets - your employees. The biggest factor in keeping your benefit plan costs manageable is designing the right plan that meets your company's needs. We offer standard Employee Benefits as well as Voluntary Plans. Implementing the proper plan is just the beginning. Ongoing service is equally as important, and our dedicated benefits team works with you and your employees to provide assistance where ever needed.
Implementing a competitive Employee Benefits Program is just the beginning for us. Client satisfaction and quality services are equally as important. Some of the many services included in our scope are:
Employer/Employee Education and Open Enrollment Assistance
Dedicated Account Management Team
Legislative and Industry Related Seminars -COBRA, HIPAA, Healthcare Reform
Wellness Programs and Incentives
Financial Analytics, Forecasting, and Benchmark Reports
Discounts and Special Offers-Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Flu Shots, Nurse Line
HR360 Web-based library tool
Human Resource Consulting Services
The right plan for you.
Group Plans
• Fully Insured
• Partially Self-funded
Life Insurance
Long Term Care
Consumer Driven Health Plans (voluntary)
• HSA - Health Savings Accounts
• HRA - Health Reimbursement Accounts
• MSA - Medical Savings Account
• FSA - Flexible Savings Accounts
Individual Health Insurance
• Medical Supplements
• Health Savings Accounts
• Short-Term Medical Insurance
Key Services
Comprehensive Employee Benefit Plans
We can accommodate any size employer group and create a blueprint for any type of benefits package necessary to meet your company's needs. Some important components of your benefits package may be Healthcare, Income Replacement, Dental and Vision Coverage, Long Term Care, Health Savings Accounts, and Employee Assistance Programs.
Risk Management Strategies
Maintaining a cost-effective program for your employees can be a difficult responsibility for most. Let us take some of the stress of managing this for you. Programs such as dependent audits, spousal carve-out programs, and post-65 retiree carve-out programs, may be an option to reduce claim risks. Additionally, many Disease Management and Employee Assistance Programs can be designed to control absenteeism in your workplace.
Prevention and Protection
Preventing losses from occurring in the workplace is the best way to control insurance costs. Wellness Programs and incentives provided by experienced professionals are a great way to prevent and protect your group from large losses due to un-diagnosed or un-managed conditions. We can help reduce the frequency and severity of losses by identifying the problem and implementing a solution with our contracted vendors and value-added services.
Voluntary Worksite Benefits
We specialize in protecting your company's greatest asset-your employees. Employers are increasingly utilizing voluntary benefits and worksite products to supplement core benefits. Voluntary benefits can add financial security to current and prospective employees. We continually manage a proactive process to ensure the programs offered are valuable and convenient.